DrupalSouth 2020 will be held virtually on November 4th & 5th. Find out more at DrupalSouth.org...

DrupalGov Canberra 2017

DrupalGov Canberra 2017 was held the 27th of March at the QT Hotel in Canberra, and was the biggest DrupalGov yet. Check out the schedule, which includes our special keynote from the US, Catharine McNally.

Tickets are sold out.


Arijit Dutta is an Indian national who has come to Australia before, and at DrupalGov March 27 he will be here again talking about Conversation Interfaces. He's an intriguing digital nomad with a lot of interests, so I was excited to ask him some questions!

Autumn is upon us, and this means two things. Firstly, Winter is Coming, secondly, you only have one week left to get DrupalGov tickets at the regular price.

This years event has one of the best line-ups we've seen so far, with an excellent range of sessions.

For those working with vanilla Drupal, govCMS, aGov, Backdrop or any other flavour of Drupal in Government, this is an unmissable event.

Tickets are on sale till Friday March 10th.

One of our presenters this year is Ivan Zugec, he's going to be talking about Media in Drupal 8. Media in Drupal has been a thrilling and often painful ride. I remember James Walker's talk in Barcelona in 2007 "Image handling in core... for real this time." 10 years later and we're hoping Drupal 8 has learned from Drupal 7 and that Media will be a stable platform with great WYSIWYG integration.

Since its entry into Australian government about 10 years ago, Drupal has made significant advances. Of the 946 federal websites listed at Australia.gov.au, over 150 of these are powered by Drupal (the list is below).

This is the first in a series of posts about our awesome DrupalGov 2017 session lineup.

Canberra, Australia
Monday, March 27, 2017
Last modified: 
Monday, April 3, 2017 - 09:54